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Our Wish Stories

Belinda’s Ambulance Wish was to meet her Carlton AFL team

On the 29th of May 2024, Belinda’s Ambulance Wish was fulfilled when she met her Carlton AFL team. The Ambulance Wish South Australia Wish team, in partnership with Northern Adelaide…

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T’s Ambulance Wish was to spend some time with her family at home

On the 29th May 2024, T’s Ambulance Wish was fulfilled when she went home and spent time with her children, siblings and other family members, who were visiting from overseas.…

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Simon’s Ambulance Wish was to have a pie and beer with his mates at the Adelaide Oval

On the 7th May 2024, Simon's Ambulance Wish was fulfilled at the Adelaide Oval. Simon traveled to the Adelaide Oval in our Wish Ambulance where he met his sister, brother-in-law,…

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